Sorry I didn't do this post earlier but it is actually that difficult to remove yourself from your networks. We are all so involved in these networks we forget what it would be like to not have them. I tried to remove myself from all of my connections. However, it deemed difficult as I realised I could not even use simple devices such as a toaster, kettle or even a microwave. I ended up taking the dog for a walk, sitting at home looking around at certain things and just thinking. It is surprising to notice how much more extra time in the day you have to do things as your not just trying to communicate with lots of people on technology. It is our connections that keep us in contact with everyone in the world. Without our networks we would all be lonely people, living in a world where we would all be strangers.
How our culture interact socially online |
Some of us fail to realise how lucky we are to have new technologies such as mobile phones, television and computers, as sometimes these devices can actually save our lives. Mobile phones can protect us as we can call for help, television provides information on the news which allows us to understand how to react in certain situations. Computers have the ability of diagnosing ourselves with illnesses we maybe experiencing.
Some of the thinking I ended up doing was just assessing my life and I believe this is time that everyone should stop to think about. Asking questions like is this the life I want to lead? Could I be doing more? Prioritizing study and life. These simple life lessons are forgotten about when we are constantly glued to our screens. Apart, from the good side of having no networks the detrimental side was astonishing as I sat there on the couch looking around by myself, I realised that "back in the day" our ancestors would meet up with their friends in the street.
I noticed during this time that I didn't know many people in the street. Many of us are so wrapped up in our own lives and stuck to technology. We are so wrapped in technology that we do not look at the beautiful world that surrounds us, the nature and embracing the privilege of living. How many young kids these days do you see walking the streets? Most would be locked in their houses playing games on their computers, or on Facebook talking to friends. If our current generation did not have technological connections, they would possibly be very bored and lonely people. Our parents and grandparents all got through without technology and still continue to have friends without social networking sites, therefore why can't we?
How we should socialise? |
When I stopped all (most) connections, I was left looking out the window alone. Nevertheless, technology could be good as it does not leave us bored, and keeps us out of mischief. I realised in this moment that I do not really make the time to see my friends often. Communication in person is more engaging and personal than over a computer screen. I encourage all readers to make time to meet up with friends, and in doing so allows you to spend less time on social networking sites. Also, while you are talking to someone try not to engage with each other by watching funny YouTube videos and looking up things on your phone. We need to be able to make conversation with each other without relying on technology, because if one day we cannot use it will we know how to live our everyday lives?
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