Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Final Blog Submission

Viral Media is the first post I have linked to and this post identifies how a video or meme becomes viral. It shows a predicted cycle of how a video or meme can go viral, and the connections between viewers with relation to the way neural pathways in our brains work. Another post I have also chosen is what technology could look like in the future, as it explains a new idea of technology, that could change the way individuals interact with each other and technology. This post explains the idea that even though they say the new fad is devices getting bigger, perhaps we can still create a device which is smaller yet equally intriguing. In contrast, Looking behind the Screens also shows how we should interact with each other rather than staring at our devices. This post focuses on how we should socialise with one another in person like our past ancestors have, instead of behind our screens. This post compliments and contrasts with Times are changing, as our culture is presented with more attractive devices, we become more selfish. There is a lessened sympathy for selfless factory workers as we shift into laziness and do not want to take responsibility for undertaking simple tasks by ourselves. On the contrary, selfish consumers such as Bloody Hackers take advantage of the devices as they sneak through the networks of the internet and hack into many accounts. I have included this post as it describes that these people can get past the highest security cables and take advantage of someone. It also explains how we rely on the internet to be protected and rely on our accounts to always be there and when our connections have been stolen we don’t know what to do.  

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