Viral Media is
the first post I have linked to and this post identifies how a video or meme
becomes viral. It shows a predicted cycle of how a video or meme can go viral,
and the connections between viewers with relation to the way neural pathways in
our brains work. Another post I have also chosen is what technology could look like in the future, as it explains a new
idea of technology, that could change the way individuals interact with each
other and technology. This post explains the idea that even though they say the
new fad is devices getting bigger, perhaps we can still create a device which
is smaller yet equally intriguing. In contrast, Looking behind the Screens also shows how we should interact with
each other rather than staring at our devices. This post focuses on how we
should socialise with one another in person like our past ancestors have,
instead of behind our screens. This post compliments and contrasts with Times are changing, as our culture is
presented with more attractive devices, we become more selfish. There is a
lessened sympathy for selfless factory workers as we shift into laziness and do
not want to take responsibility for undertaking simple tasks by ourselves. On
the contrary, selfish consumers such as Bloody Hackers take advantage of the devices as they sneak through the networks of
the internet and hack into many accounts. I have included this post as it
describes that these people can get past the highest security cables and take
advantage of someone. It also explains how we rely on the internet to be
protected and rely on our accounts to always be there and when our connections
have been stolen we don’t know what to do.
networks beyond
looking into the world of the future
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Tuesday, 4 June 2013
Transmedia Side

Link to the original film:
The flowchart shows how the narrative of the film can be rearranged by consumers. The Flowchart therefore is not linear and can be rearranged depending on the players intentions.The flowchart shown above is an interactive game that would be used on a website. This game would work like a puzzle, players would need to watch each video from a scene in the film and put the videos into the order they believe makes sense. They can rearrange the puzzle and change the order of the film. This allows players to interactively create their own film and compare their film to the original. A link at the bottom of the website would be present in order for consumers to identify the original intentions of the film and decide which one they prefer.
Friday, 31 May 2013
Transmedia Project
1. Project Reflection
I have chosen to make a film about a deaf girl called Emily Hawn, who receives a nasty text from one of her so called friends. After receiving the text the girl becomes so upset she drops her phone and passes out from the stress. When Emily awakes she is in an altered state of mind, confused, angry and upset. Due to these emotions welling up inside her out of rage, she decides to kill the girl who sent the text message.
Emily cuts her
neck and after doing so, stares at the knife in front of her in disbelief. She
can’t believe what she has just done, therefore she runs through the house in a
distressing state. Emily runs out on to the street and runs past a guy. She
attempts to communicate to him in sign language however he has no idea what she
is saying. This scene appears at the beginning of the film without the use of
subtitles, the same scene is repeated at the end of the film although with
subtitles. This allows the audience to understand Emily was the person who killed Kayla;
although when Emily looks at the bloody knife in her hand, she cannot understand
what has happened. She didn’t believe she killed Kayla, therefore she runs out
on the street trying to ask the guy, she bumps into to “call the police,
there’s a dead body.” I decided to use
this idea because I like watching suspenseful movies where you have no idea
what is happening. Although, using clues you can understand what might have
happened. I want the audience to feel as if they are living the life of Emily and experiencing what it is like for someone who doesn’t truly
understand the world around them. It also shows when it can become hard to
communicate with the world; drastic decisions can be made out of confusion. I wanted
people to see something different to include a sign language part in the film,
to have the mystery held at the start but then somewhat resolved in the
end. The ending is left for
interpretation by the viewers to create their own ending.
Firstly, I created some storyboards, to ensure I already
knew how I wanted each shot to appear. However, due to some slight changes
about the story during filming I withdrew some shots and exchanged them for
others. Some slight challenges were made as Hayley who I had already filmed, did
not have enough time to be involved in the rest of the film, therefore I found
Casey to replace her by presenting the rest of the film from her point of view.
I realised we would not be able to use Casey’s face in the shots as the
audience would become confused by two different actors playing a deaf girl. This
allows the audience to feel interactive while watching the film, as they feel
as if they are experiencing the revenge of a deaf girl. When filming I used
various angles so when it came to editing I would have various shots to choose
from. This would give me the flexibility of producing the film to a high
The tools used for this project included a tripod and HD
video camera. I chose to use a video camera rather than a mobile phone as I
wanted to include all elements in the frame from a good distance. Using the
video camera I could zoom up close and I believe this would have been more
challenging if filmed on a mobile phone. When editing I used a fifteen day
trial Arc Soft Showbiz. I found this program quite surprisingly easy to use and
efficient. I trimmed every video interval and adjusted some shots to make them
appear on the screen for an extended amount of time. I accomplished this by
dragging an arrow to the right; therefore the shot would appear on the screen
longer than the video actually runs for. I used effects on the program to put
the video in grey scale, the reason for making it in black and white gave the
film more meaning as most silent films in history are displayed in black and
white. The use of text to describe what the character is trying to say is also
evident in silent films. The idea of making the film appear as a silent movie
also allows the audience to relate with the main character, as they can
identify what it would be like to be deaf.
I learnt how to work with Showbiz, and exploring its
different tools. The film was basically made on trial and error, by playing with
different tools and seeing if they could be applied to my film. The tools I used
in this program included cutting by trimming the scene and excluding material I
didn't want to use in my film. I increased the brightness; therefore the
audience were able to see the murder scene. I used blue arrows shown below, as I
could move them to parts in the film I wanted to include. I locked the start of
the trim and end of the trim, then applied it to the overall film.
When adding the audio to the film I had some trouble, with
the actual video content started conflicting with the music I wished to add to
the film. I also trimmed the bar representing the music, to parts in the film I
wanted it to play in relation to. Whereas, the song called The Deed was added
and trimmed to fit into the film at places I wished for the song to play. At
the end of the track I was able to drag the music to position it alongside a
scene I decided represented that type of music. At one time the music stops
altogether the reason for this being, I wanted the audience to realise
something is not right in the situation. The slight inclusion of the abnormal
placement of a quick sound of a piano key, also showed how distorted the
situation and Emily’s state of mind was.
Somehow I ended up getting rid of the videos sound and
including the music. I really like the music I have chosen for the film, as the
song Abandoned accurately represents Emily’s situation in the beginning as she
is alone and needs someone’s help. This music makes the audience feel sympathy
for her situation even though they do not understand what trouble she is experiencing.
The emotion portrayed on her face and the music alongside it, expresses how she
is feeling at the time. In contrast is the same for the song The Deed, as this
represents Emily’s inhibitions as she is on a mission to seek revenge for the
offensive text message.
I learnt how to use mockingbird to represent the videos and text of a puzzle I would present on a website. I learnt how to add text and move the videos around and position them neatly.
I learnt how to use mockingbird to represent the videos and text of a puzzle I would present on a website. I learnt how to add text and move the videos around and position them neatly.
In this scene, the deaf girl called Emily is attempting to communicate to Brett who she has bumped into down the street. Although, Brett has no idea how to communicate with sign language, so he just looks at her with a confused expression. Emily is upset and worried as she needs his help. She doesn't know what to do, she tries to let him know what is going on.
In this scene, Emily has the knife in her left hand as shown by the knife just inside the frame. In complete darkness, Emily is about to kill Kayla S. due to her sending Emily an offensive text message.
3&4: Interactive Flowchart
Link to the original film:
The flowchart shows how the narrative of the film can be rearranged by consumers. The Flowchart therefore is not linear and can be rearranged depending on the players intentions.The flowchart shown above is an interactive game that would be used on a website. This game would work like a puzzle, players would need to watch each video from a scene in the film and put the videos into the order they believe makes sense. They can rearrange the puzzle and change the order of the film. This allows players to interactively create their own film and compare their film to the original. A link at the bottom of the website would be present in order for consumers to identify the original intentions of the film and decide which one they prefer.
5. Additional Transmedia Aspects:
Other transmedia aspects I would like to create include a game about the story; therefore the audience can choose an ending they are content with. As this film does not really have a true ending, the audience might be annoyed and wish there was a better ending. This would satisfy their expectations. I would like to make a website where videos of broken up scenes could be rearranged by the user. Therefore, they are able to create the film they want to see. It could also act like a game as they could try to figure out the order of the film, and then after watching the film they can see how accurately their film matched the original. I would also like to make a similar film perhaps edited a bit better and create the film into a choose your own adventure story. What would be great is making a choose your own adventure game available to play on a DVD player.
Another, transmedia aspect I would like to create is one on
a website whereby clicking on different links sends you to different parts of
the story. The audience have to assume or create their own story, in regards to
the videos they watch on the website.
Monday, 20 May 2013
Documentation#2- Filming
On Saturday 18th May, I began trial filming for my short film. I filmed one scene for the film which worked out great. The actors were perfect for the roles they played. However, the girl who was going to act as the main character does not have reliable time, to ensure I get the film completed. Therefore, I have needed to pick up another actor who will be in place of her role.
There are a few shots that can be used that are not filmed of the character. I found a perfect location for the filming in a street and it turned out exactly how I imagined it. Filming, is expected to be completed by the end of this week therefore I can focus on the editing. I will be having assisted help from people who have used editing before, to ensure that I am doing the right thing. As I understand editing is not just something you can pick up in a flash. I look forward to filming the rest of the film.
Here is some snippets from the filming that was completed on Saturday:
Some bloopers for fun:
Rumours of the new coming iPhone 6
There has been lots of rumours about what the iphone 6 is going to look like and the various functions it will have. We cannot be 100% sure of its style and functions until it actually comes out. Some of the rumours have included the use of a wrap around screen which allows you to multitask and be on two websites or applications at the same time. It also allows a panoramic view on the phone however, this could be just rumour as we all need our privacy and having a wrap around screen on a train would not be private.
More rumours include the iPhone 6 consisting of a display projector and keyboard projector. this could be extremely efficient as sometimes typing on a touch screen can prove to be challenging at time. By having a projected keyboard would be beneficial as we wouldn't need to rely on auto correct which can sometimes be detrimental to some of the words it thinks we are trying to say. check out the video below as this concept looks awesome for future technology.
Another rumour involves a completely clear phone, almost see through. The style looks cool, and graphics may look more enhanced. Also, discussed is that on the iPhone 6 there would not be a home screen as all you would need to do, is touch anywhere on the bottom bar which sends you to the home screen. There is also different functions for the bottom bar, as if you touch it so many times it will entail different functions. The use of fingerprinting technology also allows the phone to be more secure, therefore more people are going to buy it. Everyone wants to keep private and ensure people cannot hack their accounts, and steal their identity.
More rumours include the iPhone 6 consisting of a display projector and keyboard projector. this could be extremely efficient as sometimes typing on a touch screen can prove to be challenging at time. By having a projected keyboard would be beneficial as we wouldn't need to rely on auto correct which can sometimes be detrimental to some of the words it thinks we are trying to say. check out the video below as this concept looks awesome for future technology.
Another rumour involves a completely clear phone, almost see through. The style looks cool, and graphics may look more enhanced. Also, discussed is that on the iPhone 6 there would not be a home screen as all you would need to do, is touch anywhere on the bottom bar which sends you to the home screen. There is also different functions for the bottom bar, as if you touch it so many times it will entail different functions. The use of fingerprinting technology also allows the phone to be more secure, therefore more people are going to buy it. Everyone wants to keep private and ensure people cannot hack their accounts, and steal their identity.
Looking behind the screens
Sorry I didn't do this post earlier but it is actually that difficult to remove yourself from your networks. We are all so involved in these networks we forget what it would be like to not have them. I tried to remove myself from all of my connections. However, it deemed difficult as I realised I could not even use simple devices such as a toaster, kettle or even a microwave. I ended up taking the dog for a walk, sitting at home looking around at certain things and just thinking. It is surprising to notice how much more extra time in the day you have to do things as your not just trying to communicate with lots of people on technology. It is our connections that keep us in contact with everyone in the world. Without our networks we would all be lonely people, living in a world where we would all be strangers.
Some of us fail to realise how lucky we are to have new technologies such as mobile phones, television and computers, as sometimes these devices can actually save our lives. Mobile phones can protect us as we can call for help, television provides information on the news which allows us to understand how to react in certain situations. Computers have the ability of diagnosing ourselves with illnesses we maybe experiencing.
Some of the thinking I ended up doing was just assessing my life and I believe this is time that everyone should stop to think about. Asking questions like is this the life I want to lead? Could I be doing more? Prioritizing study and life. These simple life lessons are forgotten about when we are constantly glued to our screens. Apart, from the good side of having no networks the detrimental side was astonishing as I sat there on the couch looking around by myself, I realised that "back in the day" our ancestors would meet up with their friends in the street.
I noticed during this time that I didn't know many people in the street. Many of us are so wrapped up in our own lives and stuck to technology. We are so wrapped in technology that we do not look at the beautiful world that surrounds us, the nature and embracing the privilege of living. How many young kids these days do you see walking the streets? Most would be locked in their houses playing games on their computers, or on Facebook talking to friends. If our current generation did not have technological connections, they would possibly be very bored and lonely people. Our parents and grandparents all got through without technology and still continue to have friends without social networking sites, therefore why can't we?
When I stopped all (most) connections, I was left looking out the window alone. Nevertheless, technology could be good as it does not leave us bored, and keeps us out of mischief. I realised in this moment that I do not really make the time to see my friends often. Communication in person is more engaging and personal than over a computer screen. I encourage all readers to make time to meet up with friends, and in doing so allows you to spend less time on social networking sites. Also, while you are talking to someone try not to engage with each other by watching funny YouTube videos and looking up things on your phone. We need to be able to make conversation with each other without relying on technology, because if one day we cannot use it will we know how to live our everyday lives?
How our culture interact socially online |
Some of the thinking I ended up doing was just assessing my life and I believe this is time that everyone should stop to think about. Asking questions like is this the life I want to lead? Could I be doing more? Prioritizing study and life. These simple life lessons are forgotten about when we are constantly glued to our screens. Apart, from the good side of having no networks the detrimental side was astonishing as I sat there on the couch looking around by myself, I realised that "back in the day" our ancestors would meet up with their friends in the street.
I noticed during this time that I didn't know many people in the street. Many of us are so wrapped up in our own lives and stuck to technology. We are so wrapped in technology that we do not look at the beautiful world that surrounds us, the nature and embracing the privilege of living. How many young kids these days do you see walking the streets? Most would be locked in their houses playing games on their computers, or on Facebook talking to friends. If our current generation did not have technological connections, they would possibly be very bored and lonely people. Our parents and grandparents all got through without technology and still continue to have friends without social networking sites, therefore why can't we?
How we should socialise? |
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
Times are changing
We are experiencing a new world something much different to the 1970s. This culture we are living in makes some believe that they will receive whatever they want without working for it. Today, in the lecture we learnt that factories creating our phones and electronic devices experience poor working conditions and are underpaid. We all know that these people are creating our products for a low cost, however we never really stop to think about how they are? These selfless people are creating devices above their affordability for us, and in return they are treated with disrespect. Are we all really that selfish and addicted to our devices, that giving them up would kill us? What would happen if the world stopped using their phones for a day? If that happened it would be revolutionary, that an most of the world can feel so strongly about something and use their own personal connections with each other in an act to change the future. This would provide awareness, as there are some people who do not even realise they are mistreated.
In the past our parents and grandparents all survived these eras living without devices, so why can't we? Is Earth Hour really the only time we put our devices to rest? Although, no doubt many people wouldn't be able to help themselves, leaving their lights and televisions on. However, what if one day Earth Hour became real and all our networks were cut off? Well I can assume that many of us wouldn't know what to do with ourselves, we would have to almost start life again. Create a new beginning, and instead of us teaching our grandparents how to use these devices. How would we cope in learning how they lived their everyday life? Would we be able to understand what they are trying to teach us? Well I have decided to cut off as many networks as possible, to suggest what life in those days would be like. Please keep tuned as that post will be implemented soon.
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